Grey hair

Canas - Pro Hair

Exploring the Nuances of Gray Hair in Hair Systems: Choices and Essential Care

In the vast world of hair systems, authenticity and naturalness are crucial to achieving a realistic appearance. One crucial aspect is the incorporation of gray hair, which adds a touch of authenticity to the hair's appearance. In this article, we will explore the different types of gray hair used in the manufacturing of hair systems, highlighting their significance and necessary care.

Natural Gray Hair: A Touch of Authenticity

The inclusion of natural gray hair in hair systems adds realism and authenticity to the appearance. However, there are certain scenarios where the use of synthetic gray hair is recommended. When the percentage of gray hair is 50% or less, it is suggested to opt for synthetic gray hair. This is because, at times, colored hair may require bleaching and dyeing, which could affect natural gray hair. Choosing synthetic gray hair ensures that the appearance of gray remains consistent and unaltered.

Synthetic Gray Hair: A Touch of Durability

Synthetic gray hair is manufactured using special and advanced materials that astonishingly mimic the appearance and texture of human gray hair. Additionally, they offer the advantage of not absorbing color during dyeing or bleaching processes, ensuring that their appearance remains consistent. While synthetic gray hair cannot withstand heat like drying or curling, they offer exceptional durability and a consistent appearance in all circumstances.

Essential Care: Maintaining the Integrity of Gray Hair

Maintaining the integrity of gray hair, whether natural or synthetic, is crucial to achieving a flawless appearance. In the case of synthetic gray hair, it is recommended to use wooden combs or brushes to avoid static electricity that could damage them. Additionally, avoid applying direct heat to synthetic gray hair, as it could compromise their shape and texture. For natural gray hair, general hair system care practices apply, such as using gentle care products and avoiding exposing the piece to extreme conditions.

Final Considerations

The choice between natural and synthetic gray hair in the manufacturing of hair systems is a decision that should be based on the percentage of gray hair and individual needs. Both options offer authenticity and realism to the hair's appearance, but synthetic gray hair stands out for its durability and resistance to coloring processes. When selecting gray hair for your hair system, consider your aesthetic preferences and lifestyle. Maintain the appearance and integrity of gray hair through proper care, ensuring that your hair solution always looks impeccable and reliable.

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Medidas internacionales - Pro Hair
Tipos de anudado - Pro Hair

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