Knotting Types

Tipos de anudado - Pro Hair

Hair prostheses are unique pieces requiring artisanal skill and meticulousness in their creation. One of the crucial elements in this process is knotting, a technique determining the hair prosthesis's natural and lasting appearance. In this article, we'll unravel the various knotting types used in hair prostheses manufacturing, from injected to single and double knots, as well as the knot bleaching process.

Injected: The Mastery of Detail

Injected knotting is a technique wherein the hair is tied to the prosthesis base using a specialized fine needle. Each hair is individually introduced to the base, followed by a small adhesive drop to secure it. This technique offers a high level of detail and realism, mimicking natural hair growth. However, the process is intricate and time-consuming, making it a labor-intensive option in prosthesis manufacturing.

Single and Double Knots: A Strategic Decision

Single and double knots are two different knotting technique approaches. Single knots involve tying each hair to the base with one knot, creating a natural appearance but might result in reduced durability. On the other hand, double knots entail tying the hair with two knots for increased security and resilience. This choice can influence the hair density the base can handle and its durability.

Knot Bleaching: A Touch of Discretion

Knot bleaching is a process that lightens the knots tied to the base, making them less visible and offering a more natural appearance. In this technique, the knots undergo chemical treatment, reducing their color, making them less noticeable. While knot bleaching is a popular option for skin or mesh bases, it also has the potential to affect the knots' durability.

The Craft of Artisanal Manufacturing

It's vital to understand that hair prostheses are handmade products crafted with dedication and precision. Manufacturing times can be extensive due to the meticulousness required in the knotting process and other construction aspects. Often, pre-made pieces are used to expedite the process, but there's also the option to customize and order a hair prosthesis from scratch for a perfect fit and appearance.

Final Considerations

The knotting process in hair prostheses manufacturing is a skill demanding experience and meticulous attention. Choosing between injected, single knots, double knots, and knot bleaching influences the appearance, durability, and comfort of the prosthesis. As you explore available options, bear in mind that hair prostheses are artisanal creations demanding time and skill for a high-quality outcome. When selecting a prosthesis, consider your needs, preferences, and lifestyle to obtain a lasting hair solution that instills confidence and comfort.

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